This is an adult website

Minors cannot use this website. Are you over the age of 18?

πŸ”ž This is an app for adults over the age of 18 only.

A suave little lizard welcoming you to the website.
WT A suave little lizard welcoming you to the website.

Client Guide

Warren making a client with great difficulty You can make your own Walltaker client! A user should be able to supply any link ID, that you can then use to pull down the latest wallpaper for that instance. I suggest you poll the endpoint ~10 seconds and cache the last post url, so you can skip downloading if it hasn't changed since the last one.

Something to know, this part of the docs is still being worked on! There are two ways to write clients. This only covers the simple way. It's still preferred you experiment with this version of the API, but a live web-socket based API is available, and will appear here soonβ„’


Gets the current link status. This is what you could poll every 10 seconds to check if the wallpaper has changed. Use post_url as the current wallpaper's URL. This is always an image by default, but users can enable videos/gifs on a link, so please handle error checking if you see a file type you can't display.

πŸ”“ No API key required.

  "id": 1,
  "expires": "2025-03-05T00:00:00.000Z",
  "username": "gray",
  "terms": "I'm trying out something new, break this please! :)",
  "blacklist": "feet blood",
  "post_url": "",
  "post_thumbnail_url": "",
  "post_description": "",
  "created_at": "2022-03-08T01:01:50.142Z",
  "updated_at": "2022-03-13T21:39:01.828Z",
  "set_by": "name",
  "response_type": "horny",
  "response_text": "HUFF wow",
  "online": true


Set a response for a given link. There are 3 kinds of responses.

πŸ”‘ Requires user's API Key.

type Shown In UI as Effect
"horny" Love it User who set wallpaper gets notification, response text displayed on link in webapp
"disgust" Hate it User who set wallpaper gets notification, wallpaper rolled back to previous image
"came" Came User who set wallpaper gets notification, response text displayed on link in webapp

⚠️ I suggest re-pinging the link after sending a "disgust" response, so you can reset the user's wallpaper to the previous version as soon as possible.

POST[id]/response.json HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
  "api_key": "23unFe3i",
  "type": "horny",
  "text": "mmph nice"
  "id": 1,
  "expires": "2025-03-05T00:00:00.000Z",
  "username": "gray",
  "terms": "I'm trying out something new, break this please! :)",
  "blacklist": "feet blood",
  "post_url": "",
  "post_thumbnail_url": "",
  "post_description": "",
  "created_at": "2022-03-08T01:01:50.142Z",
  "updated_at": "2022-03-13T21:39:01.828Z",
  "set_by": "name",
  "response_type": "horny",
  "response_text": "HUFF wow",
  "online": true


Get details about this user's status such as if they're online, a friend, or the currently authenticated user for a given session.

πŸ”“/πŸ” API key required for some, but not all data.

ℹ️ To ensure this query is processed quickly, set_by has been excluded from the links array.


  "username": "apple",
  "id": 24,
  "set_count": 540,
  "online": true,
  "links": [... see link response ...],
  "authenticated": true,
  "friend": true,
  "self": false