Send me massive horse cocks to goon to and turn me into a cum ridden bimbo~!
I am the total & ABSOLUTE lover of all huge cocks, and can't get enough of them!~ I am such a needy bitch for their girth and can't ever stop looking at them, waiting for my moment to adore them with every hole in my body! Please spam me with them constantly, I'm, like, a needy whore that can't get enough of them!~
I totes would like, adore it if you sent me tons of futas with huge tits, too! The more jiggling things the better!~
Oh, also, um, I'm a ditzy bimbo that can't control herself when I get sent like, anything~ I'll probably surrender to you, like, with no limits, either! I have been known to randomly give people access to my account, so if you see the ability to ruin me, do it!~ My tags don't lie~

Me being put in my place >////<
Ask me to surrender I can't EVER say no. (doubt me? why not try me ;3)


[Link for phone, vertical photos plzz!]
Hiiii!~ So glad you found your way to like, my little link!~ I'd find it like, so fucking hot if you spammed me with porn and LOTS, I mean it, LOTS of cocks!~ I might be, like, a little reserved in my responses, but I totally love every single one sent!~ So, spam me with my preferred tags, and make me beg for your mercy, but no need to listen at all~ Hell, maybe I'll even like, surrender my account so you can defile me more into my cock loving addiction!~