Gay furry femboy enjoyer
Most of my favorites are default blacklist, but you can look at my e621 profile at this link.
I found out about paradroid recently being a way to make anything pop up on my phone, so please send me whatever you want me to have to see with no limits at my paradroid link!
All orgasms are only by anal and nipple stimulation, so try to make it easier for me to have one!
If you want to contact me, add me on discord at garbagehumanbeing or telegram at @GarbageHumanBeing69
This is my phone I take everywhere, so use a vertical image please ;)
I enjoy femboys the most, and the cuter and gayer the better. Other than that I don't really care what it is as long as it fits my tags.
Check out my paradroid to send me things with no limits and my favorites to know what I like the most!
Videos/GIFs enabled and monitor is 16:9
Prioritize this link first when online. I'm graduated college, so I'll probably be using this a lot when I'm online.
I enjoy femboys the most, and the cuter and gayer the better. Other than that I don't really care what it is as long as it fits my tags.
Check out my paradroid to send me things with no limits and my favorites to know what I like the most!
Second monitor
Videos/GIFs enabled and monitor is 16:9Prioritize this link first when online. I've graduated college, so I'll likely be using this a lot when it's online.
I enjoy femboys the most, and the cuter and gayer the better. Other than that I don't really care what it is as long as it fits my tags.
Check out my paradroid to send me things with no limits and my favorites to know what I like the most!