Hello! I'm Ignis a 2.4 year old kobold from MI. I am a bisexual babyfur who leans strongly submissive but will tease and bully fellow little furs to being then to my level (if enjoyed). Besides that I'm a nerd who spends most of his free time gaming or online. Feel free to message me and distract me from work :P.
X: @ignisthekobold
Bluesky is the same, please add me i love new friends!
Currently doing a pack for pair (1 pack of diapers will get me to cut up 1 pair of undies) :
Check out my Throne Wishlist: https://throne.com/ignisthekobold
Hello, I'm ignis and I'm a bisexual babyfur. This is my homescreen link so preferably something diaperfur related and cute.
Ignis' desktop background. Since this is at home it has some less restrictions and will get seen more by myself and possibly my husband :p.