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Minors cannot use this website. Are you over the age of 18?

🔞 This is an app for adults over the age of 18 only.

A suave little lizard welcoming you to the website.
WT A suave little lizard welcoming you to the website.

Leashed to Woosty
Horny Houndoom Bitch~
Set 19 wallpapers Caused 0 orgasms
Last online
Had 0 orgasms in the last 7 days

Profile Picture


I am a trans(fem) and I love to get my wallpaper changed. Would be amazing if you messaged an rp to me to go along with it. Very shy at times.

[Heres an example of what really gets me going]

(broken for now)

Thank list

MommaArtemis made the original profile this is bassed off of. Go buy her some coffee, she deserves some.

find her here

Another thanks to Super Sexy Toad for forcing me to get this cute profile.(Toad wrote this themselves.)

Thank Toad here

Local Time

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