No profile description... yet!
Please send me lots of cute kitties!
They help remind me how much of acute kitty
I am~[Tablet homesceen]
Choose HORIZONTAL images because I usually use my tablet in landscape mode 💻 and avoid white ones please!
For my computer. 16:9 wallpapers work best but send anything that's hot
For my tablet, send horizontal wallpapers.
Love females and cute femboys, pet play, skirts, toy use, anal, and lots more so send what you think is hot. Please make me horny as fuck.
I'll update the blacklist if and when needed.
For my phone, vertical wallpapers with the action in the middle.
Love females and anything very feminine, skirts, pet play, anal, toy use, and a lot of others I can't think to list at the moment so feel free to send what you think is hot.
Now gifs work too!!