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🔞 This is an app for adults over the age of 18 only.

A suave little lizard welcoming you to the website.
WT A suave little lizard welcoming you to the website.

Leashed to ZarekBastet
Set 1184 wallpapers Caused 17 orgasms
Last online
Had 0 orgasms in the last 7 days

This diapercuck made bad decision of letting it's account being taken over, make it squirm in his nappies~

my walltaker is locked on phone so I can't uninstall it, profile and links will stay the way you want until someone else change them

About me:

Male, diapercuck, diaper snifffer, diaper lover, love having diaper on, can't spend a day without it and seeing them. Please send so much diaper porn to me~'.

Likes: diapers, diapers and diapers again

Main kinks: diapers, ABDL ~

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